SetCollectionInstructionAccounts: {
    authority?: Signer;
    authorityPda?: PublicKey | Pda;
    candyMachine: PublicKey | Pda;
    collection: PublicKey | Pda;
    collectionUpdateAuthority: PublicKey | Pda;
    mplCoreProgram?: PublicKey | Pda;
    newCollection: PublicKey | Pda;
    newCollectionUpdateAuthority: Signer;
    payer?: Signer;
    systemProgram?: PublicKey | Pda;
    sysvarInstructions?: PublicKey | Pda;

Type declaration

  • Optional authority?: Signer

    Candy Machine authority.

  • Optional authorityPda?: PublicKey | Pda

    Authority PDA.

  • candyMachine: PublicKey | Pda

    Candy Machine account.

  • collection: PublicKey | Pda

    Mint account of the collection.

  • collectionUpdateAuthority: PublicKey | Pda

    Update authority of the collection.

  • Optional mplCoreProgram?: PublicKey | Pda

    Token Metadata program.

  • newCollection: PublicKey | Pda

    New collection mint.

  • newCollectionUpdateAuthority: Signer

    Update authority of the new collection NFT.

  • Optional payer?: Signer

    Payer of the transaction.

  • Optional systemProgram?: PublicKey | Pda

    System program.

  • Optional sysvarInstructions?: PublicKey | Pda

    Instructions sysvar account.

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